Andrew Zorbas

Andrew Zorbas

Meet our Sales Representative

Andrew Zorbas

After specialising in gin for 8 months, Andrew still can’t decide whether he prefers SIN GIN LUST or COFFEE GINCELLO. However, he is definitely partial to a tiki cocktail called Saturn, which is made with gin (of course!), not shaken or stirred but the ingredients are combined in a blender. Being in an industry where he is always dealing with people, Andrew finds he is often engaging with interesting people in enlivening conversations, and takes great pleasure in helping them choose a great gin to make the good times better. Andrew regularly receives comments from customers stating that Sin Gin has crafted a unique image for their products, and with such a wide selection, he is convinced that there is a gin for everyone, even for those who swear they don’t like gin!

Favourites: Playing guitar and immersion in nature (sometimes at the same time), Vegemite toast (with the right ratio of butter to Vegemite, approximately 3:1), Bladerunner 2049 (but Step Brothers is his most quoted), silver (colour), Spring (in Perth), Autumn or Winter (in parts of the world with deciduous trees and snow). Music choice varies according to mood; currently listening to some modern R&B, specifically Tinashe. Favourite saying: “Before you criticize someone walk a mile in their shoes, so when you do you will be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.”

Living with Andrew is Lilly, a 9 year old Schnorky rescued from a hunting area in Texas when she was a puppy. She's very sweet natured but she thinks she's a guard dog despite the fact she weighs about 6 kilograms and could not harm a fly.

Andrew idolises his grandfather, whom he regards as the most selfless and hardworking person he’s ever known, and wonders how much of his grandfather he’s inherited… Always the most humble man in the room! Andrew can resist anything but temptation…